Meet H. R.

Welcome! I’m happy to meet you.

Meet H. R. Hook portrait
H. R. Hook by Sharon Brisken Photography

One of the most important things I want you to know is that I love God. When the Lord decides my time on Earth is finished, I hope to have left a breadcrumb trail of words behind so others can find the secret to living a joy-filled life–the amazing grace of Jesus Christ.

The next thing you should know is that I’m a perfectionist, but I’m far from perfect. God has done an amazing work in my heart to correct many wrong beliefs and attitudes concerning my faith. He’s also been restoring my marriage as well as relationships with other family members.

Most importantly, He’s renewed and strengthened my relationship with Him. I’m not anywhere near finished yet, but He has released me to begin sharing my story and experiences in order to help you and anyone else who has struggled with their faith. Most of my subject matter centers on real life issues, family matters and maturing in our Christian faith.

A Few Fun Facts About Me:

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miracles and the Unexplainable
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Too Funny!

At heart, I’m a poet. And God has been calling me to write poetry and stories since I learned to hold a pencil. Somewhere in the attic, I still have my homemade books I made in elementary school and files overflowing with poetry and stories from secondary school and college. My most recent writing accomplishments include publishing two stories with Chicken Soup for the Soul in 2022.

I’m currently fully certified to teach high school English and was a classroom teacher for 13 years before my second son was born. However, now I only work part-time with students who can’t attend school due to various medical conditions. I’m also a private tutor.

My favorite subject that I’ve ever taught was creative writing. I also love to mentor young or beginning writers and used to write a blog called Oasis just for them. Additionally, I wrote a poetry blog for Almost an Author which is another great site for writers.

As a product of a public high school and from my experiences as a teacher, I’m a solid proponent of homeschooling or Christian education for all believers. I’m thankful that God has enabled us to currently homeschool our two elementary-aged boys, which is a full-time responsibility.

H. R. Hook with purple flowers

In addition to writing, I’m a complete plant geek. I love to play in the dirt and cultivate raised garden beds around my yard.

I’d love to meet you on my Facebook fan page where we can connect about real life, faith and family matters.

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