The Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum 

Imagine visiting a Biblically-based, spiritually safe museum that inspires and strengthens your faith. A place with exhibits based on history, science and the Bible. A place that teaches nothing but the truth of our existence. Wouldn’t be wonderful if such a thing existed? 

Enter: The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum.

Because people constantly ask us about our trip to the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museums, I decided it was well worth documenting some of those FAQs. Since you can find specific details like ticket costs on their websites, I’m going to simply offer practical suggestions and information based on our experience.

Continue reading The Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum 

The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need

Aren’t you tired of the same old New Year’s resolution ideas that never seem to make a difference?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve tried a lot of things that didn’t stick: dieting, exercising, screen time limits, etc… What I’ve discovered is that even if I don’t get it perfectly right, there is only one thing will ever guarantee me success in the new year: placing God first.

What Does Putting God First Look Like?

For a long time I asked myself this question. I knew that going to church wasn’t optional, nor was giving to the church. But my shoulders drooped when I heard others talk about doing their devotional time every day. As a busy homeschool mama, I always made excuses. “I don’t have time to sit and read my Bible like that.” Or “I’m too tired to pray by the time I crash at night.” Then guilt hung around me like a cold, wet towel. 

Little did I know, but I was the one missing out. 

Continue reading The Only New Year’s Resolution You’ll Ever Need